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SBAA represent and defend the interests of the business aviation in Switzerland at every necessary level to guarantee our global competitiveness.

An important part of SBAA mission is discuss the possible evolution of legislations but also infrastructures of regulation in our country, or a on a wider European level, with EBA, our European association and dedicated partners. Currently, we are working a on a few main topics listed below where we provide the view of the BizAv professional to the relevant regulators and authorities.

NPA FTL (Flight Time Limitations)
NPA 80 % Runway performance

FTL requirements determine the maximum permissible duty periods, flight duty periods and minimum rest periods for pilots and cabin crew to ensure the safe operation of flights. They also prescribe limits for crew standby or other non-flying duties. In the commercial airline, such regulations are both really dense, very precise and totally unavoidable.

In the business aviation sector, the discussion is currently open with the various stakeholder. SBAA’s position is very clear: no additional FTL. Indeed, any further constraints to the sector may possibly increase the pressure on the sector and impair its flexibility, which is central to the value proposition provided.

Air traffic overload at Geneva and Zurich airports.

Switzerland is an important place for Business Aviation ranking position #4 in Europe in terms of turnover and #5 in terms of jobs. With more than 17’300 direct and indirect full time jobs, Swiss BizAv sector total economic impact amounts to 3’746’706’000 €, slightly below the 3.75 €billion range (EBAA, 2017).

At each end of the country, in Geneva and Zurich, the traffic of standard commercial airports is growing fast and the availability of take-off/landing slots in both airport is increasingly complex, impacting the sector on its core USP: efficiency.

In Zurich, a possible solution – currently tested – is to use the near-by airport of Dübendorf, easily connected to the city center by public or private transports. The future collaboration looks promising and paves the way for other similar partnership in Switzerland.

In Geneva, the airport has a single runway and is fully surrounded by mountains that are both beautiful piece of rock and a major constraint for pilots. Business aviation can simply not be moved into other parts of Switzerland or surrounding France. It would lose its purpose, which is to bring world leaders and decision makers into the international city of Geneva. In Geneva alone, changing airport would endanger the 1200 direct jobs as much as the attraction of the region for international organisation and major international corporations.

“North sector Geneva Airport”

Geneva-airport has to redefine its infrastructures to face the traffic increase in the limited frame of possible extensions. One of the project is to analyze the feasibility to move BA activities the North sector of the airport on the horizon 2022. SBAA in association with the AGAA partners is very active in this project.

Analysis and review of the noise fees system affecting BA jets in Switzerland.
The current system of noise penalties is adverse in regard of the new generation BA jets. In collaboration with Dassault Aviation, SBAA is also working on this subject.


This year will have mainly been marked by the restructuring and the reorganization of the SBAA board but also by the implementation of various projects as well as by the active participation with various subjects mentioned below. Our new logo aims to be representative of this renewal intended to strengthen our actions in Switzerland but also our collaboration with EBAA. Good reading and thank you for your trust in the work of your board.

1. EBAA Switzerland became Swiss Business Aviation Association

a) In the course of the year, we noted the resignation of two figures of the board, Miss Andrea Meier and Mr Peter Hartmann, both for professional and private reasons. We thank them warmly for their commitment in the cause of the business aviation within our board. We formulate to Peter, our best wishes for a beautiful retreat and a full success to the future Andrea’s career.

b) A new person highly qualified joined our board in the person of Claudio Peer, VP Sales Aircraft management and Charter flight EMEA and Asia to Jet Aviation Business Jets AG. We are honored to present his application for election in the board.

c) The board then reorganized and in defined the way of working. A new distribution of tasks, projects and representations was established. A charter of conduct and collaboration was also signed by all the board members.

d) A Web site is in creation and will be available from EBACE 2018 under the following link:

2. Activities and actions on the national level

a) Participation to “Dübendorf Airport » project
The year 2017 has started well for the development of the airfield in Dübendorf. On 11 January 2017, the Governing Council of the Canton of Zurich reassessed the civil aviation use of the Dübendorf airfield. In its decision, the Governing Council recognizes the strategic importance of aviation infrastructure in general and particularly the sector of business aviation for a prospering economy. Therefore it is now supporting the concept of the Federal Government for a triple usage of the former airbase (innovation park, civilian and military aviation). Under the leadership of the Federal Office for Civil Aviation, FOCA and in the presence of representatives of the federal government, the canton, the municipalities and the regional planning group, the coordination process of the sectoral aviation infrastructure plan, SAIP was carried out, which will subsequently lead to a site sheet for the airfield in Dübendorf. The SAIP coordination process was completed at the beginning of this year. The consultation on the draft report will last until mid July among the participants. The public hearing and participation for the draft of the SAIP site sheet is planned by FOCA for the end of the year. The preliminary investigation report on the environmental impact assessment is in consultation with the federal government and the canton of Zurich. In parallel to the preparation of the planning permission application, the flight operations procedures for the operating license application and the operating regulations have to be prepared.

b) PSIA Geneva
In association with our AGAA colleagues, we took a stand regarding the Geneva PSIA which will be finalized and presented to the Federal Council for validation during the year.

c) Consultation and signing of the Geneva airport fees agreement for business aviation users
As representative of the BA and again in association with the AGAA, we participated in the negotiations on the next airport fees. The final document was signed jointly.

d) Analysis and review of the noise taxes system affecting the BA jets in Switzerland
Switzerland via FOCA applies limitations bound to the aircraft noise which affect directly the BA operations. The noise levels are measured at Zürich Airport and do not correspond to the values of the ICAO noise certificate. We work in association with Dassault Aviation to understand this Helvetian particularity and to find favorable solutions.

e) Establishment of an active collaboration with the AIG new management
We established an excellent collaboration between the AIG and our AGAA colleagues.

f) FOCA Swiss Aviation Days
As every year, we represented the interests and the questions relative to the situation of the BA. A particular accent was put on the slots problem in Geneva.

g) Participation at the Parliamentary Aviation Committee lunches
The board represents SBAA during the lunches of the Parliamentary Aviation Committee.

h) SBAA representation at Aerosuisse
SBAA is always represented within Aerosuisse by our honorary president, Dr Dieter Neupert and by our board colleague, Mr Claudio Lasagni.

3. Activities and actions on the international level

a) Positioning and follow-up regarding the future FTL legislation

b) SBAA representation at EBAA Council
EBAA prepares a training concerning the future communication program. An information regarding the competitiveness (Antitrust) was presented. We hold Hand-Out available to SBAA members.



Membership extension to the various business aviation stakeholders

The Business Aviation is a multidisciplinary activity grouping numerous actors. By the opening of our statuses, we want to allow the development of our association and to strengthen its influence and its representativeness.

Establishment of a communication campaign in association with EBAA

EBAA is developing a communication strategy. The audience research phase is now completed the first draft of a positioning, strategy and communication plan should be made available soon. SBAA is going to align itself with this campaign and will adapt a specific approach for Switzerland.

Implementation and development of the SBAA web site

A first presence on Web was concretized beginning 2018. Our site must be now developed and improved to coincide in particular with the advertising campaign to come.

Running activities

Participation to “Dübendorf Airport” project

Under the leadership of the Federal Office for Civil Aviation, FOCA and in the presence of representatives of the federal government, the canton of Zurich, the municipalities and the regional planning group, the coordination process of the sectoral aviation infrastructure plan, SAIP was completed at the beginning of 2018. The consultation on the draft report among the participants lasted until mid July. The public hearing and participation for the draft of the SAIP site sheet is planned by FOCA for the end of this year. The approval of the Swiss Federal Council is expected for June 2019.

In terms of the implementation procedures with the purpose of obtaining the operating licence, the approval of the operating regulations and any planning permissions, the selected project teams for structural and civil engineering have started to work at full swing. The preliminary investigation report on the environmental impact assessment is in consultation with the federal government and the canton of Zurich, the specifications for the final report to be elaborated is expected by end of August 2018. In parallel to the preparation of the planning permission application, the flight operations procedures for the operating license application and the operating regulations have to be prepared as part of the final and comprehensive application file which is planned to be submitted to FOCA by mid 2019 right after the SAIP site sheet has been approved by the Swiss Federal Council.

Participation to the project “North sector Geneva Airport”

The Geneva Airport introduced a procedure of consultation and collaboration with the various actors of the business aviation. The purpose is to define together the development of the airport North sector t which will be dedicated to our activities on the horizon 2022. SBAA in association with the AGAA partners is very active in this project.

Analysis and review of the noise fees system affecting BA jets in Switzerland

The current system of noise penalties is adverse in regard of the new generation BA jets. It’s based on noise measures made in Switzerland and does not take into account the ICAO noise certificate values. In association with Dassault Aviation, an analysis of this system is in progress.

EASA NPA 2017-17 Flight Time Limitations

The EU wants to legislate on flight time limitations for the business aviation. A proposal (NPA 2017-17) was summited to the consultation of the industry. The conditions are not acceptable and risk to affect seriously our activities and competitiveness. SBAA is active in the follow-up of this NPA and will keep intervening at every possible level.

Participation at the FOCA Swiss Aviation Days

FOCA organizes every year a meeting with the representatives of the aeronautical industry. This platform allows OFAC of communicate directly with Stakeholders and offers a possibility of discussing general or specific questions. SBAA represents it actively the interests of the business aviation.

Participation at the Parliamentary Aviation Committee lunches

The Parliamentary Group aeronautic and aerospace is a forum of meetings and information exchange between the aeronautical stakeholders and the federal members of Parliament. It’s accessible to all the members of the States chamber and all national parliamentarians which are interested in the questions concerning the aviation and the aerospace industry.

The presence of the SBAA offers an important possibility of meeting directly the political actors of our country.

Representation of SBAA within EBAA Council
Representation of SBAA within Aerosuisse